Weight: 56
Grain: Straight to slightly wavy.
Figure: Bright Yellow when freshly cut, changes to a golden tan or russet brown, with pale darker streaks with age.
Texture: Fine and uniform.
Properties: Very Heavy, hard, tough and resilient. The wood is quite pliable and elastic and was used for bow making. Osage Orange is difficult to work, but it produces a lustrous surface. A very stable wood with high strength characteristics. The wood is difficult to pound a nail into but holds screws well and is a good wood for gluing. Oil base finishes accelerate the color change. The wood is available in small quanities due to the difficulties of logging. The tree is armed with thorns from the trunk to the tips of the branches.
Uses: A fine accent wood for rails and general decorative work. It can be used for timbering and planking.